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Just download the setup file and run, no configuration is required.



User Guide


Start the software


The PSMAntiKeyLogger will start automatically when Windows starts up


After PSMAntiKeyLogger starts, you can see the program’s Icon in the System tray, right-click the Icon you will see the main menu of the program:




How PSMAntiKeyLogger works


While PSMAntiKeyLogger is running, if any program tries to install Keyboard Hook, monitors the keyboard state or gets password in the password field then the PSMAntiKeyLogger will warn the user and ask user whether to enable that program or not. The warning form will be like this:


To prevent this program from recording your keystrokes, click <Disable> button. After you click <Disable> button, the KeyLogger program will continue to run normally but it cannot record your keystrokes.



How to show the List of KeyLogger programs in the PC


To see the KeyLogger list, click the <Hooker List> menu item in the popup menu, all the KeyLogger programs are showed in this list.


NOTE: Some programs in this list may be not KeyLogger programs, AntiKeyLogger detect all the programs that use Keyboard Hook, and some of them are not KeyLogger programs. Some programs use Keyboard Hook for hotkey purpose.
After click the <Hooker List> menu item in the popup menu you will see the form below:




How to manage the programs in the KeyLogger List


If you want to disable the programs in this list, just click DISABLE in the popup menu, or if you want to enable it, you can click ENABLE.


To see detail information about the programs in the list, you can click the menu item “Detail Information” in the popup menu.


All the information about the program in this list such as program path, its status, etc is saved in the hard disk, if you want to remove information about the program, you can click the menu item “Forget” in the popup menu. If you do that, when this program runs next time PSMAntiKeyLogger will ask you again for decision.




How to run and use “Windows Startup Config” program


To run “Windows Startup Config” program, Right Click at the PSMAntiKeyLogger Icon in the system tray, and select the sub menu “Windows Startup Config”:




After you click this menu, the program will run and you will see the form like this:
The form includes five Tabs.
The first tab lists all the programs which runs at startup time:


If you don’t want the program starts when windows starts, you can uncheck it or Right Click the program then select “Remove from Startup List”.
To see more information about the program in the Startup list, select the “Detail Information” in the popup menu.
The second Tab lists all the services installed in the computer. (In windows NT/2000/XP only).

To see more information about the service, Double Click the item in the list.



The Third Tab lists all Keyboard Filter Drivers and additional Drivers installed in the computer:



The last Tab lists some other Microsoft common tools for configuration:



Developer Guide

See !Readme.txt in the zip file of source :D


(C) 2003-2004 Do Duc Truong, Truong2D@Yahoo.com - http://ddt.info.tm

http://psmantikeyloger.sourceforge.net, http://sourceforge.net/projects/psmantikeyloger